The moment he forgets one of them, he makes the story, by its own postulates, incredible. Extract from : « My Double Life » by Sarah Bernhardt. In this delicious rle of Junie I obtained an immense and incredible success. Extract from : « Meadow Grass » by Alice Brown. And, most incredible of all, though Dana would not speak to her, she spoke to him!. Extract from : « The Rock of Chickamauga » by Joseph A. Yet it was incredible that Colonel Woodville and his daughter should not be awake. Extract from : « It Happened in Egypt » by C. She's heard that the malignance of mummies, especially in museums, is incredible. Extract from : « The Yates Pride » by Mary E. Then she was gone, trundling the baby-carriage with incredible speed. Extract from : « The Secret Agent » by Joseph Conrad. It was the sensation of an unprecedented and incredible experience.
Extract from : « The Leopard Woman » by Stewart Edward White. Already the carrion birds had gathered in incredible numbers. Extract from : « Life and Death of Harriett Frean » by May Sinclair. They went with an incredible rapidity, and Harriett was now fifty. Extract from : « The Spenders » by Harry Leon Wilson.
He joyed to observe that these men of incredible millions had no hauteur.